There is MICROPROCESSOR MICROPROCESSOR in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 603 terminations have been recorded. There are 32 bits in its architecture. With a maximum supply current of 1.463V, it has a maximum power consumption. As a Microprocessors, this cpu microprocessor is typical. The CPU's external data bus width is 64. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 603 pins. In this CPU microprocessor, the clock frequency is 0 Hz. It is specified in the datasheet that this micro processor requires 1.43.3V power supplies. 45300mA voltage higher than 45300mA can be supplied to the CPU. Conducting in an 64-bit manner is possible.
RN80532KC041512 Features
32-Bit Structure
RN80532KC041512 Applications
There are a lot of Intel RN80532KC041512 Microprocessor applications.