Using advanced packaging techniques Bulk, high reliability is ensured. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR. Overall, there are 208 terminations. This microprocessor has an architecture of 32 bits. 100MHz Hz is the frequency at which the CPU operates. To learn about the functions of the pins 208 please refer to their datasheets. An example of a Microprocessors microprocessor can be found here. There are many applications that use the CPU with Surface Mount mounted. The datasheet specifies that this CPU microprocessor requires 3.33.3/5V power supply. 3V is the CPU core voltage. The CPU can only be powered by voltages up to 1450mA.
UG80486DX4WB100S Features
32-Bit Structure
UG80486DX4WB100S Applications
There are a lot of Intel UG80486DX4WB100S Microprocessor applications.