The microprocessor is conveniently packaged in 64-DIP (0.750, 19.05mm), making it easy to ship internationally. High reliability is provided by the advanced packaging method Tube. There are 1 Core 8-Bit cores/bus width on the CPU. Understand the operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA. The Z180 series contains it. A Z80180 processor powers this CPU. DRAM RAM controllers are used by this CPU. This microprocessor has ASCI, CSIO, UART interfaces to serve you better. I/O is run at 5.0V on this CPU. This is a MICROCONTROLLER for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. Total terminations are 64. In the case of a 5V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. A 8-Bit architecture is used. CPUs operate at 8MHz Hz. For functions of 64 pins, please refer to the datasheets. Data can be transferred over 8b bandwidths. The CPU microprocessor body is injected with 64 pins. Many applications use this CPU with Through Hole mounted. From 5V, the micro processor can be used. There is 5V voltage at the CPU core. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed to be 64kB. The CPU can only be supplied with voltage up to 50mA. It is possible to tell how busy the CPU is by using 2 counters. To deal with hardware interrupts, there are 4 external interrupt terminations. The 3 serial I/Os are set to communicate data between peripherals. DMA (Direct Memory Access) is programmed using 2 channels.
Z8018008PSG Features
Z80180 Core 8-Bit Structure 8b-Bit Data Bus Width 64kB RAM
Z8018008PSG Applications
There are a lot of Zilog Z8018008PSG Microprocessor applications.