The embedded microprocessor ships overseas conveniently packed in 100-QFP. A high level of reliability is provided by using an advanced packaging method Tray. In the CPU, there are 1 Core 8-Bit cores and 1 Core 8-Bit bus width. It is important to understand the operating temperature around -40°C~100°C TA. Z80 is its series number. As far as I/O is concerned, this CPU runs at 5.0V. There is MICROCONTROLLER MICROCONTROLLER in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. To find variants of the microprocessor, try searching with Z84C15. A total of 100 terminations have been recorded. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 5V voltage supply. There are 8 bits in its architecture. 6MHz is the frequency of the CPU. 100 pin functions are described in the datasheets. The CPU's external data bus width is 8. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 100 pins. In many applications, this CPU is mounted with a Surface Mount bus. It is specified in the datasheet that this micro processor requires 5V power supplies. 5V is the voltage on the CPU core. 30mA voltage higher than 30mA can be supplied to the CPU. CPU programs transfer data via 16 I/Os. 2 hardware interrupts are terminated externally. The 2 serial I/Os are set to exchange data between peripherals.
Z84C1506FEC Features
8-Bit Structure 16 I/Os
Z84C1506FEC Applications
There are a lot of Zilog Z84C1506FEC Microprocessor applications.