The microprocessor is convenient for international shipping since it is packaged in 64-DIP (0.750, 19.05mm). The packaging method Tube provides high reliability. There are 1 Core 8-Bit cores per bus width on the CPU. The operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA should be understood. This is part of the Z180 series. The CPU is powered by a Z8S180 core. There are DRAM RAM controllers on this CPU. This microprocessor features ASCI, CSIO, UART interfaces to better serve its users. The CPU runs I/O at 5.0V. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROPROCESSOR. To date, there have been 64 terminations. You should be able to turn on and run the embedded microprocessor with a voltage supply of 5V. An architecture based on 8 bits is used. 20MHz is the CPU's frequency. Datasheets for 64 pin functions can be found here. To transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 8b. A total of 64 pins are injected into the CPU microprocessor's body. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Through Hole mounting. According to the datasheet, the embedded microprocessor requires 5V power supply. Currently, the CPU core voltage is 5V. CPU voltages cannot exceed 50mA. CPU activity is measured by the 2 counters.
Z8S18020PSC Features
Z8S180 Core 8-Bit Structure 8b-Bit Data Bus Width
Z8S18020PSC Applications
There are a lot of Zilog Z8S18020PSC Microprocessor applications.