You'll get Plug, Male Pins packages.A Free Hanging (In-Line) mounting type is specified for the device.A Bulk case is used for packaging.The product belongs to the MIL-DTL-26500, BACC45 Series.It has 12 pins on the back of the device.You should use it at a temperature below 200°C.Temperatures below -55°C are required for operation of this device.A number of aspects of its Cable Clamp, Coupling Nut feature make it more powerful.By Free Hanging it's mounted.In this case, the device runs at -55°C~200°C Operating Temperature.
BACC45FT14C12P8 Features
MIL-DTL-26500, BACC45 series
BACC45FT14C12P8 Applications
There are a lot of Cinch Connectivity Solutions BACC45FT14C12P8 Circular Connectors applications.