Ripple current at full charge is 13.8A @ 20kHz.To fully perform its function, 76mOhm @ 120Hz needs the equivalent series resistance.As far as the ripple current is concerned, it is 11.6A @ 120Hz at the lowest charge.It is recommended to keep the height seated (Max) below 0.500 12.70mm.A voltage of 75V DC operates this capacitor.For high efficiency, the operating temperature should be -55°C~125°C.
MLS162M075EA0A Features
the ripple current is 13.8A @ 20kHz. the ripple current is 11.6A @ 120Hz. voltage - Rated DC of 75V an operating temperature of -55°C~125°C
MLS162M075EA0A Applications
There are a lot of Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) MLS162M075EA0A applications of aluminum electrolytic capacitors.