In terms of ripple current, it is 6.3A @ 20kHz at full charge.In order for 399mOhm @ 120Hz to perform its full function, the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) needs to be provided.When the charge is lowest, the ripple current is 5A @ 120Hz.Sitting height (Max) should not exceed 0.500 12.70mm.Voltage - Rated DC of 250V is required to operate this capacitor.It is recommended to maintain the operating temperature at -55°C~125°C in order to maximize efficiency.
MLS331M250EA1D Features
the ripple current is 6.3A @ 20kHz. the ripple current is 5A @ 120Hz. voltage - Rated DC of 250V an operating temperature of -55°C~125°C
MLS331M250EA1D Applications
There are a lot of Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) MLS331M250EA1D applications of aluminum electrolytic capacitors.