Shipping overseas is convenient since the embedded microprocessor is packed in SOIC. In order to provide high reliability, advanced packaging method Tape and Reel is used. In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a CLOCK GENERATOR, PROCESSOR SPECIFIC. In total, there are 28 terminations. When the voltage supply is 3.3V, the cpu microprocessor should be powered on and run. You can find information about the functions of 28 pins in the datasheets. It can supply a maximum current of 3.6V. Using the microprocessor in an environment above 70°C is not recommended. Embedded microprocessor bodies are injected with 28 pins. Many applications make use of this CPU, which has Surface Mount mounted. CPU voltage can't be higher than 150mA. The microprocessor has additional features, such as ALSO OPERATES AT 5V SUPPLY.
CY2254ASC-1T Features
CY2254ASC-1T Applications
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor CY2254ASC-1T Microprocessor applications.