The mobile phone network has 1536 macro cells, which are cells that provide radio coverage from high-power cell sites (towers, antennas, or masts).In the BGA package, you will find it.In this case, there are 294 I/Os programmed.388 terminations are programmed into the device.This electrical component has a terminal position of BOTTOM.An electrical supply voltage of 2.5V is used to power it.The part belongs to Programmable Logic Devices family.A chip with 388 pins is programmed.This device also displays ALSO OPERATES WITH 3.3V SUPPLY VOLTAGE.In this case, SRAM will be used to store the data.Surface Mount is the mounting point of this electronic part.The device has a pinout of 388.A maximum voltage of 3.6Vis required for operation.In order for it to operate, a supply voltage of 2.3V is required.This device runs on 1.5/3.32.5/3.3V volts of electricity.This frequency can be achieved at 104MHz.Operating temperatures should be higher than 0°C.Ideally, the operating temperature should be below 70°C.It should be below 83MHz at the maximal frequency.Programmable logic types are divided into LOADABLE PLD.