As far as memory types are concerned, Volatile is considered to be its memory type. It comes in a Tray. Embedded in the 165-BFCCGA case, memory ics is a single file. There is an 72Mb 4M x 18 memory capacity on the chip. Memory data is stored in SRAM-format, which is common in mainstream devices. Featuring an extended operating temperature range of -55°C~125°C TA, this device allows it to be used in a variety of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 1.7V~1.9V volts. The recommended mounting type for memory ics is Through Hole. There is a clock frequency rotation of the memory within a 250MHz range. A package of 165 pins is used to protect this memory device. This memory's operating supply voltage is 1.8V. As a result of the Through Hole mounting configuration, this chip is designed to be straightforward, high-efficiency, and easy to install. There are 2 ports used in this chip to give read and/or write access to one memory address. This device must operate at a minimum temperature of -55°C. The part should not be operated at temperatures above 125°C degrees Celsius as otherwise, the part may be damaged due to the excessive amount of heat. The minimum supply voltage for this part should not be less than 1.7V. Its operating voltage shall not exceed 1.9V. A ic memory chip like this one processes data at a frequency of 250MHz bits per second.