CY22800FXC-033A Overview
The Tube package contains it. As part of the packaging, there is a serial number 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) associated with the product. Mounting type Surface Mount is recommended. In it, there are 8 terminations. Voltage is provided by the part at 3.3V. Using the part's peak reflow temperature, operation 260 is performed. CLOCK GENERATOR, OTHER uPs, uCs, and peripheral ICs are present in this device. As of the moment, the device has 1. The operating temperature range of 0°C~70°C can be varied. Depending on the component, a voltage of 3.14V~3.47V can be supplied. There is only one purpose for this component, HDTV, STB. A value of LVCMOS is intended as an output. There have been 2000 publications of this part. If you want to search for information about a part, you can use CY22800. If you want to mount it with Surface Mount, that's what you should do. There are 8 pins on it. In this case, it is possible for the device to maintain 2 outputs. An excellent efficiency can be achieved when working at a frequency of 12.288MHz.
CY22800FXC-033A Features
Mounting Type: Surface Mount
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel): 260
uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs Type of CLOCK GENERATOR, OTHER
Include 1 Circuits
run the output at th range of LVCMOS
CY22800FXC-033A Applications
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor Corp CY22800FXC-033A application specific timer?applications.
- Carrier Ethernet switches
- Residential gateways
- PCI Express 2.0/3.0
- Switches/routers
- Ethernet Switches, Routers
- Handheld Instrumentation
- DU (Distribution Unit)
- Network Attached Storage
- Test and Measurement