A 20-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) case is used for packaging. There is a Tube packaged with it. There is a maximum value of 250MHz for normal operation. A total of 20 terminations can be found in it. With a supply voltage of 2.5V, high efficiency is possible. A mount of Surface Mount has been applied to it. A classification of Fanout Buffer (Distribution), Multiplexer is assigned to this electronic part. When the temperature is set to -40°C~85°C, reliable performance is ensured. Any power source will work, as long as it has 2.375V~3.465VV. It has a pin count of 20 on it. There is LVPECL output from clock driver. The 20 pins are used for operation. The structure belongs to the CY2CP1504 family of structures. There is an embedded device in Clock Drivers containing this circuit clock. It belongs to the family of electronic gadgets known as 2DL. The maximum supply voltage (Vsup) is set to 2.625V. It is important to keep the supply voltage (Vsup) above 2.375V in order to ensure normal operation. The default setting of this field is to output 4. There is a 2.5/3.3V volt supply that powers the timeing clock.
CY2CP1504ZXI Features
20 terminations The operating temperature of -40°C~85°C degrees Clock Drivers subcategory
CY2CP1504ZXI Applications
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor Corp CY2CP1504ZXI Clock Buffers & Drivers applications.