Volatile is the type of memory it has. There is a Tape & Reel (TR) case available. The 48-VFBGA case contains it. The chip has an 4Mb 256K x 16 memory. This device uses a SRAM-format memory, which is of mainstream design. A wide operating temperature range makes this device ideal for a variety of demanding applications. A voltage of 1.65V~2.25V can be supplied to memory ics. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. Similar parts are frequently selected using CY62147, the device's base part number. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 48-pin connector. In its target applications, this memory ics plays an important role as a member of the MoBL® series of memory devices. This device must operate at a minimum temperature of -40°C. Temperatures no higher than 85°C degrees Celsius are recommended for operation. Data is processed by this memory ics at a frequency of 45GHz.