As far as memory types are concerned, Volatile is considered to be its memory type. The case comes in Tray size. In the case of 119-BGA, it is embedded within the case. 9Mb 256K x 36 is the chip's memory size. This device utilizes a SRAM format memory which is of mainstream design. With an extended designed operating temperature of 0°C~70°C TA, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 3.135V~3.6V volts. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. As you can see from the diagram, the chip is planted with 119 terminations. For a comprehensive working procedure, this part supports as many as 1 functions. A voltage of 3.3V is required for the operation of this memory device. The memory has a clock frequency rotation within 100MHz. When selecting similar parts for the ic memory chip, CY7C1361 is often referred to. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 119-pin connector. The memory device has 119 pins, which means that it has 119 memory locations, which indicates it is an 119-bit device. This memory's operating supply voltage is 3.3V. It also features FLOW-THROUGH ARCHITECTURE to boost system performance despite all its merits. Using 1 ports, a single memory address can be read and/or written. There are COMMON-bit addresses mapped into the memory for I/O ports on this device.