As far as memory types are concerned, Volatile is considered to be its memory type. You can get memory ics in a Tape & Reel (TR) case. As you can see, it is embedded in 100-LQFP case. On the chip, there is an 72Mb 4M x 18 memory, which is the size of the chip's memory. As with most mainstream devices, this one uses SRAM-format memory. A wide operating temperature range makes this device ideal for a variety of demanding applications. It is capable of handling a voltage supply of 2.375V~2.625V. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. It is important to note that the memory has a clock frequency rotation within the range of 200MHz. It is common to select similar parts by referring to the device's base part number, CY7C1472. An 100-pin package is used to package this memory device. There is a note indicating that this memory chip operates at an 2.5V volt supply voltage. NoBL? series memory devices play an important role in the applications they target. A minimum operating temperature of 0°C must be met by this device. A temperature of no more than 70°C centigrade is recommended for the component to be operated, otherwise, damage might be inflicted on the component. It is recommended that this part be supplied with at least 2.375V volts. A maximum voltage of 2.625V shall be allowed for its operating voltage. There is a frequency of 200MHz for the data to be processed on this memory chip. It is possible to run this memory at a maximum frequency of up to 200MHz.