As far as memory types are concerned, Non-Volatile is considered to be its memory type. It is available in a case with a Tube shape. The file is embedded in a 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) case. 32Mb 4M x 8 is the chip's memory size. The device uses a mainstream FLASH-format memory. The device's extended operating temperature range of -40°C~105°C TA makes it ideal for many demanding applications. A supply voltage of 2.7V~3.6V can be applied to it. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. On the chip, there are 8 terminations that are planted. The comprehensive working procedure is supported by 1 functions in this part. An 3V supply is required for this ic memory chip to operate properly. In the memory, there is a clock frequency rotation that ranges 108MHz. Although it has all the merits this chip has, it is also equipped with ALSO CONFIGURABLE AS 32M X 1 to give a performance boost to the system. As for power supplies, this memory chip requires just 3/3.3V . Among the FL1-K series of memory devices, this part is essential for its applications. By integrating this memory with a SPI-type serial bus, data can be carried and transferred to the CPU easily. This memory ics is capable of operating with an input current of 0.025mA at max. A programming voltage of 3V is needed to alter the state of certain nonvolatile memory arrays.
S25FL132K0XMFV041 Features
Package / Case: 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) Additional Feature:ALSO CONFIGURABLE AS 32M X 1
S25FL132K0XMFV041 Applications
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor Corp S25FL132K0XMFV041 Memory applications.