Non-Volatile is its memory type. Case Tube is available. An embedded 28-SOIC (0.342, 8.69mm Width) case surrounds memory ics. There is an 64Kb 8K x 8 memory capacity on the chip. As with most mainstream devices, this one uses NVSRAM-format memory. Due to its wide operating temperature range, this device can be used in a wide variety of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 4.5V~5.5V volts. There is a recommended mounting type of Surface Mount for it. 28 terminations are planted on the chip. In total, this part supports 1 functions. This ic memory chip is designed to be supplied with 5V. Similar parts are frequently selected using STK11C68, the device's base part number. The memory device in question has 28 pins, thus indicating that it has 28 memory locations that can be accessed. As for the power supply, this memory chip only needs 5V . This device can be operated from a maximum supply current of 0.075mA under ideal conditions. Usually, this memory ics falls under the SRAMs component category.
STK11C68-SF35 Features
Package / Case: 28-SOIC (0.342, 8.69mm Width)
STK11C68-SF35 Applications
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor Corp STK11C68-SF35 Memory applications.