74AUP1G08SE-7 Description
The advanced, ultra-low power (AUP) CMOS logic family is designed for low power and extended battery life in portable applications.
The 74AUP1G08 is a single, two-input, positive AND gate with a standard push-pull output designed for operation over a power supply range of 0.8V to 3.6V.
The device is fully specified for partial-power-down applications using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output preventing damaging current backflow
when the device is powered down.
74AUP1G08SE-7 Features
Advanced Ultra-Low Power (AUP) CMOS
Supply Voltage Range from 0.8V to 3.6V
±4mA Output Drive at 3.0V
Low Static Power Consumption Icc < 0.9µA
Low Dynamic Power Consumption CPD = 6.3 pF (Typical at 3.6V)
IOFF Supports Partial Power-Down Mode Operation
74AUP1G08SE-7 Applications
Suited for Battery and Low-Power Requirements
Tablets, E-Readers
Cell Phones, Personal Navigation/GPS Systems
MP3 Players, Cameras, Video Recorders
PCs, Ultrabook™, Notebooks, Netbooks,
Computer Peripherals, Hard Drives, SSDs, CD/DVD ROMs
TVs, DVDs, DVRs, Set-Top Boxes