It belongs to package SC-74A, SOT-753. This system battery uses an analog integrated circuit (IC) called POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT. Channels available are 1. There is a Tape & Reel (TR) case packaging. There is a space in between this electrical part and Surface Mount. There is a possibility of delivering functions Battery Protection. To best deliver its performance, the electronic part should be operated at a temperature of -40°C~85°C TA. In this electrical part, the battery chemistry includes Lithium Ion/Polymer. It is imperative to keep this transceiver ic set to 3.5V at all times. Upon reaching 5.5V, the maximum supply voltage (Vsup) can be applied.
AP9101CK-AOTRG1 Features
Available in SC-74A, SOT-753 Package Mounting Type: Surface Mount Battery Chemistry : Lithium Ion/Polymer operate supply voltage at the range of 3.5V Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) : 5.5V
AP9101CK-AOTRG1 Applications
There are a lot of Diodes Incorporated AP9101CK-AOTRG1 Battery Management ICs applications.