The device supports a wide range of 6.08% reverse voltages.Impedance in electrical engineering refers to the opposition to alternating current caused by the combined influence of resistance and reactance, and this device has an impedance of 10Ohm ohm.As for tolerances, this part has a 5%.A zener current of 9.05V is estimated for this device.This electronic part is currently supplied with 5mA test current.A voltage tolerance of 5% characterizes this part.Zener diode array can run at voltages (Rated DC) as low as 9.1V.
AZ23C9V1-7 Features
10Ohm ohm 5% tolerance 5mA test current 5% voltage tolerance
AZ23C9V1-7 Applications
There are a lot of Diodes Incorporated AZ23C9V1-7 applications of zener diode arrays.