It supports a wide range of 5.56% reverse voltages.This device has a 95Ohm ohm impedance, which is the opposition to alternating current that comes from resistance and reactance combined.5% tolerances are associated with this part.Zener diode array is estimated that the device's zener current is 3.6V.Note that this electronic part currently receives 5mA test current.As far as voltage tolerance is concerned, this part has a 5% value.Using 3.6V as the voltage (Rated DC) is possible for this device.
DZ23C3V6-7 Features
95Ohm ohm 5% tolerance 5mA test current 5% voltage tolerance
DZ23C3V6-7 Applications
There are a lot of Diodes Incorporated DZ23C3V6-7 applications of zener diode arrays.