BTS428L2XT Description
BTS428L2XT is a 60mΩ N channel vertical power MOSFET with charge pump, ground referenced CMOS compatible input, and diagnostic feedback, monolithically integrated into Smart SIPMOS® technology. The Infineon BTS428L2XT provides embedded protective functions. The Operating and Storage Temperature Range is between -40 and 150℃. And the transistor BTS428L2XT in the TO-252-5 package with 75W Power dissipations.
BTS428L2XT Features
Very low standby current
CMOS compatible input
Improved electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Fast demagnetization of inductive loads
Stable behavior at Undervoltage
Wide operating voltage range
Logic ground independent from load ground
BTS428L2XT Applications
μC compatible high-side power switch with diagnostic feedback for 5V, 12V, and 24V grounded loads
All types of resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads
Most suitable for loads with high inrush currents, so as lamps
Replaces electromechanical relays, fuses, and discrete circuits