The microprocessor is conveniently packaged in PLCC, making it easy to ship internationally. CPUs operate at 24MHz Hz. For functions of 84 pins, please refer to the datasheets. Data can be transferred over 8b bandwidths. Temperatures above 70°C are not suitable for operating the microprocessor. Many applications use this CPU with Surface Mount mounted. From 5V, the micro processor can be used. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed to be 2.3kB. The embedded microprocessor should not be supplied with a voltage higher than 5.5V. 4.25V should be the lowest voltage fed to the CPU microprocessor. It is possible to tell how busy the CPU is by using 4 counters.
SAB-C517A-LN Features
8b-Bit Data Bus Width 2.3kB RAM
SAB-C517A-LN Applications
There are a lot of Infineon Technologies SAB-C517A-LN Microprocessor applications.