The XMC4[78]00 devices are members of the XMC4000 Family of microcontrollers based on the ARM Cortex-M4 processor core. The XMC4000 is a family of high-performance and energy-efficient microcontrollers optimized for Industrial Connectivity, Industrial Control, Power Conversion, and Sense & Control.
XMC4800F144K2048AAXQMA1 Features
CPU Core
High-Performance 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 CPU
16-bit and 32-bit Thumb2 instruction set
DSP/MAC instructions
System timer (SysTick) for Operating System support
Floating Point Unit
Memory Protection Unit
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
General Purpose DMA with up to 12 channels
Event Request Unit (ERU) for programmable processing of external and internal
service requests
Flexible CRC Engine (FCE) for multiple bit error detection