The IPB025N08N3 G is an N-channel Power MOSFET with performance-leading benchmark OptiMOS? technology. The Infineon IPB025N08N3 G is the market leader in highly efficient solutions for power generation, power supply, and power consumption applications. The Operating and Storage Temperature Range is between -55 and 175℃. And the MOSFET IPB025N08N3 G is in the TO-263-3 package with 300W power dissipation.
IPB025N08N3 G Features
Optimized technology for DC-to-DC converters
Excellent gate charge x RDS (ON) product (FOM)
Superior thermal resistance
Dual-sided cooling
Low parasitic inductance
Normal level
100% avalanche tested
Ideal for high-frequency switching and synchronous rectification
Qualified according to JEDEC for target applications