Its memory type can be classified as RAM, SDR, SRAM. It is available in TQFP case. The memory size of the chip is 8kB Mb. 64 terminations are planted on the chip. This part supports as many as 1 functions for the comprehensive working procedure. This ic memory chip is designed to be supplied with 3.3V. This memory device is enclosed in a 64-pin package. This memory device has 64 pins, indicating it has 64 memory locations. The operating supply voltage of this memory chip is noted to be 3.3V. There are 2 ports used in this chip to give read and/or write access to one memory address. This device has COMMON-bit memory mapped I/O port addresses. The minimum operating temperature of this device must not be less than 0°C. It is recommended for operation at temperatures no higher than. It is able to operate from a max supply current of 0.185mA. The minimum supply voltage for this part should not be less than 3V. Its operating voltage shall not exceed 3.6V.