As far as memory types are concerned, RAM, SDR, SRAM is considered to be its memory type. In addition, memory ics is available in a Bulk case as well. A memory chip with a capacity of 32kB is used on this device. The memory device has an 84-pin package, which encloses it in a small package. According to the datasheet, this memory chip operates at an operating voltage of 3.3V. The memory chip has 2 ports for granting read/write access to one memory address. Temperatures below 0°C should not be used with this memory ics. It is recommended that operation of the part be restricted to temperatures not exceeding 70°C, otherwise damage to the part may occur as a result of overheating. It is recommended that this part be supplied with at least 3V volts. The operating voltage shall not exceed 3.6V.
70V26L25G Features
84 Pins Operating Supply Voltage:3.3V
70V26L25G Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) 70V26L25G Memory applications.