RAM, SDR, SRAM is its memory type. As you can see, it is embedded in TQFP case. There is an 72kB memory capacity on the chip. As you can see from the diagram, the chip is planted with 100 terminations. In total, 1 functions are supported by this part. The memory device designed for this application has been designed to be powered by an 3.3V power supply. It is encased in an 100-pin package that contains this ic memory chip. It has 100 pins indicating it has 100 memory locations. It is noted that the operating supply voltage of this memory is 3.3V. An address can be read and/or written to one memory address using 2 ports on the chip. In addition to this device, there are COMMON-bit memory mapped I/O port addresses on this device. A minimum operating temperature of 0°C must be met by this device. As a general rule, memory ics is recommended that the product be operated at temperatures no higher than 70°Cc, otherwise, damage could be done to it. This memory ics requires a minimum voltage of 3V. In order for it to operate properly, its voltage should not exceed 3.6V.