As a space saver, it comes in the QFN package. Packaging is done in the form of a Bulk. Transmission lines have 40 terminations, which prevent signals from re-emitted. The device has a 40-pin configuration. The board is configured with 40 pins. Analog signals are converted into digital signals by A/D converters. 1.98V is its maximum supply voltage. Ideally, the operating temperature should not exceed 70°C. A consumer IC of type CONSUMER CIRCUIT is used in it. The property of IT ALSO REQUIRES 3.3 VOLT ANALOG SUPPLY is what defines it.
92HD95B2X3NDGXZAX Features
Embedded in the QFN package 2 A/D converters IT ALSO REQUIRES 3.3 VOLT ANALOG SUPPLY
92HD95B2X3NDGXZAX Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) 92HD95B2X3NDGXZAX CODECs Interface ICs applications.