There is a package named Tube that contains it. As part of the packaging, there is a serial number TFSOP associated with the product. Clock program is recommended to mount Surface Mount on the wall. As of the moment, the device has 1. In a normaloperation, there is 400MHz maximum frequency. Temperatures can be varied in the operating range of 0°C ~ 70°C. A component can supply 3.3V voltage. This component serves a single purpose Intel CPU-M, Intel CPU. This output is intended to be Clock. There are 2013 published parts for this part. Search for information about this part by using the ICS954270 base part number. A Surface Mount mounting is recommended. There must be 0°C minimum operating temperature for this device. Operating temperatures should be below 70°C. -- indicates that the part belongs to the series. The company uses 56-TSSOP as its supplier of devices for its products.
ICS954270AGLF Features
Mounting Type: Surface Mount Include 1 Circuits run the output at th range of Clock
ICS954270AGLF Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) ICS954270AGLF application specific timer applications.