An accompanying case is included. There are 100 terminations in it. The part provides a voltage of 3.3V volts. The peak reflow temperature is used to run 260. Total number of uPs/uCs/peripheral ICs is CLOCK GENERATOR, PROCESSOR SPECIFIC. 1 are present on the device. normaloperation has a maximum frequency of 250MHz. Clock program is important that the clock's output frequency does not exceed 200MHz. Currently, there are 2006 publications of the part. The Surface Mount mounting method is recommended. There are 100 pins on this device. The board has 100 pins. The minimum working temperature of this device cannot be lower than -40°C. There should be a temperature below 85°C during operation. 3.3V should be the supply voltage. In the Clock Generators family, the device belongs. A 8 output can be maintained on the device. According to the supply voltage, this part operates at 3.465V. In order to maintain a device's supply voltage greater than 3.135V. When the supply current is set to 170mA, this part can operate.
MPC9855VM Features
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel): 260 uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs Type of CLOCK GENERATOR, PROCESSOR SPECIFIC Include 1 Circuits with 100 Pins operate supply voltage at the range of 3.3V
MPC9855VM Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) MPC9855VM application specific timer applications.