For space-saving purposes, it is packaged in TQFP. Tape & Reel packaging is adopted. It can perform highly efficiently in various applications since it is a type of General Purpose. In order to avoid reflections off the end of the transmission line, 48 terminations are used. In electronic terms, it is a kind of 48-pin device. On a PCB based on Surface Mount technology, it is mounted. Voltage should not exceed 5.25V. In order to convert analog signals into digital signals, 2 A/D converters are used. It is recommended to maintain a voltage of 3.135V as the minimum value. It operates on a supply voltage of 3.3V. Digital signals are converted into analog signals using 3 D/A converters. 70°C is set as the maximum operating temperature for normal operation. It is set at 0°C to maintain normal operation.
STAC9758XXTAEB1XR Features
Embedded in the TQFP package 2 A/D converters
STAC9758XXTAEB1XR Applications
There are a lot of Integrated Device Technology (IDT) STAC9758XXTAEB1XR CODECs Interface ICs applications.