Non-Volatile is its memory type. It is available in a case with a Tape & Reel (TR) shape. Embedded in the 8-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width) case, memory ics is a single file. It is estimated that the memory size on the chip is 2Mb 256K x 8. This device uses takes advantage of the FLASH format. With an extended designed operating temperature of -40°C~105°C TA, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 1.65V~1.95V can be applied to it. It is recommended that the mounting type be Surface Mount. On the chip, there are 8 terminations that are planted. The part supports at least 1 functions to ensure a comprehensive working process. There is a requirement for 1.8V to be supplied to this ic memory chip in order to operate. In this memory, the clock frequency rotation is within an 104MHz range. Nonvolatile memory arrays require 1.8V programming voltage to change their state.
IS25WQ020-JNLE-TR Features
Package / Case: 8-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width)
IS25WQ020-JNLE-TR Applications
There are a lot of ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IS25WQ020-JNLE-TR Memory applications.