Volatile is the type of memory it has. It comes in a Tape & Reel (TR). An embedded 90-TFBGA case surrounds memory ics. There is an 128Mb 4M x 32 memory capacity on the chip. This device uses takes advantage of the DRAM format. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. It is capable of handling a voltage supply of 3V~3.6V. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. It is important to note that the memory has a clock frequency rotation within the range of 143MHz. The ic memory chip comes in a package with 90 pins that allows it to be connected to a computer. The operating supply voltage of this memory chip is noted to be 3.3V. The memory chip utilizes a straightforward, high-efficiency mounting method, Surface Mount mounting. The nominal supply current of this memory component is 130mA. Memory ics must operate at a temperature of at least 0°C. It should not be operated above 70°C°C. The minimum supply voltage for this part should not be less than 3V. This part requires a minimum voltage of 3.6V. A ic memory chip like this one processes data at a frequency of 143MHz bits per second. It is recommended that this memory run at a maximum frequency of 143MHz.