Volatile is the type of memory it has. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tray case as well. The case is embedded in 78-TFBGA. The chip has an 2Gb 256M x 8 memory. This device utilizes a DRAM format memory which is of mainstream design. With an extended designed operating temperature of 0°C~95°C TC, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. It is capable of handling a voltage supply of 1.425V~1.575V. The recommended mounting type for memory ics is Surface Mount. There are 78 terminations on the chip. There are 1 functions supported by this part as part of the comprehensive working process. A voltage of 1.5V is required for the operation of this memory device. The memory has a clock frequency rotation within 667MHz. This chip features all the merits of a conventional chip, but it also features AUTO/SELF REFRESH to improve system performance. There are 1 ports used in this chip to give read and/or write access to one memory address. As for the power supply, this memory chip only needs 1.5V . There are COMMON-bit addresses mapped into the memory for I/O ports on this device. In order to operate your device, you will need to provide a maximum supply current of 0.245mA.
IS43TR82560B-15HBL Features
Package / Case: 78-TFBGA Additional Feature:AUTO/SELF REFRESH I/O Type: COMMON
IS43TR82560B-15HBL Applications
There are a lot of ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc IS43TR82560B-15HBL Memory applications.