Volatile is its memory type. Tray-cases are available. Embedded in the 144-TFBGA case, memory ics is a single file. A memory chip with a capacity of 288Mb 32M x 9 is used on this device. DRAM-format memory is used in this device, which is a mainstream design. This device has an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA, so it's perfect for a wide range of demanding applications. It is supplied votage within 1.7V~1.9V. There is a recommended mounting type of Surface Mount for it. There are 144 terminations on the chip. In total, this part supports 1 functions. There is a requirement for 1.8V to be supplied to this ic memory chip in order to operate. The memory device is enclosed in a package with an 144-pin connector. There are 144 pins on this memory device, which indicates it has 144 memory locations in it. Despite all its merits, this chip also features AUTO REFRESH to boost system performance. The memory chip has 1 ports for granting read/write access to one memory address. The power supply needed for this memory chip is only 1.5/ . In addition to this device, there are COMMON-bit memory mapped I/O port addresses on this device. In order for it to operate properly, memory ics requires a maximum supply current of 0.97mA . The memory runs at a maximum frequency of up to 400MHz cycles per second.