As far as memory types are concerned, Volatile is considered to be its memory type. The case comes in Tray size. The case is embedded in 144-TFBGA. Memory size on the chip is 576Mb 64M x 9. Memory data is stored in DRAM-format, which is common in mainstream devices. Featuring an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA, this device allows it to be used in a variety of demanding applications. There is a voltage range of 1.7V~1.9V for the supply voltage. A Surface Mount mounting type is recommended for this product. On the chip, there are 144 terminations that are planted. The comprehensive working procedure of this part involves 1 functions. A voltage of 1.8V is required for the operation of this memory device. In this ic memory chip, there is an 144-pin package that encloses the device. It is worth noting that this memory device has 144 pins, which indicates it has 144 memory locations. Despite all its benefits, this memory chip also offers AUTO REFRESH for improved system performance. In this chip, there are 1 ports providing read and/or write access to one memory address. In terms of power requirements, this memory chip uses only 1.5/ . A memory mapped I/O port address of COMMON bits is used in this device. In terms of power consumption, it can operate at a maximum supply of 0.819mA . The memory runs at a maximum frequency of up to 300MHz cycles per second.