As far as memory types are concerned, Volatile is considered to be its memory type. There is a Tray case available. In the case of 165-TBGA, it is embedded within the case. Memory size on the chip is 18Mb 1M x 18. This device uses takes advantage of the SRAM format. Due to its wide operating temperature range, this device can be used in a wide variety of demanding applications. A voltage of 3.135V~3.465V is possible to be applied to the supply. There is a recommended mounting type of Surface Mount for it. On the chip, there are 165 terminations. There are 1 functions supported by this part as part of the comprehensive working process. There is a requirement for 3.3V to be supplied to this ic memory chip in order to operate. In this memory, the clock frequency rotation is within an 133MHz range. The memory device has an 165-pin package, which encloses it in a small package. It has 165 pins indicating it has 165 memory locations. Despite all its benefits, this memory chip also offers FLOW-THROUGH ARCHITECTURE for improved system performance. In terms of power requirements, this memory chip uses only 2.5/3.33.3V . This device has COMMON-bit memory mapped I/O port addresses. This memory ics is capable of operating with an input current of 0.45mA at max.