Its TO-220-5 package is adopted for higher flexibility.Bulk is the packaging method.1 drivers are incorporated for its configuration.It's mounted on the way to Through Hole.A supply voltage of 8.5V~35V demonstrates its superiority.There is a gate type of IGBT, N-Channel, P-Channel MOSFET in this design.Temperature range -55°C~150°C TJ is allowed for this device.The input type is Non-Inverting.Initially, the configuration is composed of 5 terminations.Many related parts can be found under its base part number IXD*430.The device is mounted using Through Hole.The device is specifically designed to operate at 18V volts.In this case, BUFFER OR INVERTER BASED IGBT/MOSFET DRIVER serves as the interface IC.There are 3 component pins on the board.The device is capable of delivering a current of 30A.This device has a maximum power dissipation of 2W, indicating that it is capable of reducing power loss without overheating.The operating supply voltage should be set at 35V.
IXDD430CI Features
Embedded in the Bulk package 1 drivers Employing a gate type of IGBT, N-Channel, P-Channel MOSFET Maximum power dissipation of 2W
IXDD430CI Applications
There are a lot of IXYS IXDD430CI gate drivers applications.
RGB applications
High-voltage isolated DC-DC converters
Digitally controlled power supplies
Multicolor LED/laser displays
48 V to 12 V PoL Converters, 48 V to Low Voltage Bus Converter,