This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. A total of 320 I/Os allow data to be transferred in a more coherent manner. It is powered from a supply voltage of 3.3V. The Field Programmable Gate Arrays family of FPGA parts includes this part. In this device, there are 171 outputs that can be used. There are a total of 208 terminations. There are 208 pins on this device. Its flexibility can be fully utilized when operating with a 3.3V supply voltage. An external power supply of 5V is required to power the device. There is a maximum operating temperature of 70°C for this module. Fpga electronics is recommended that the operating temperature be higher than 0°C. There are a total of 208 pins on this device. There are 1600 logic blocks (LABs) that make up the system's basic building block. Its architecture is based on 400 CLBs. There is a maximum frequency of around 250MHz that can be reached by this FPGA. In addition to this, it is also characteriMAXIMUM USABLE GATES 44200ed by a feature called MAXIMUM USABLE GATES 44200. 19200 equivalent gates are used in the FPGA implementation.