Its 28-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package is adopted for higher flexibility.The packaging method is indicated by Bulk.Gate drivers is configured wGate driversh 1 drivers.It's mounted on the way to Surface Mount.In the absence of a power supply voltage of 4.75V~5.25V V, it is able to demonstrate its superiority.Mosfet driver accepts input of type Non-Inverting.As a result of its configuration, it contains a maximum of 28 terminations.There are numerous related parts listed under its base part number LTC1177-5.In order to operate, a voltage of 5V has to be applied.The interface chip of the system is BUFFER OR INVERTER BASED MOSFET DRIVER.Its subcategory of MOSFET Drivers contains various useful electronic components.The number of component pins is 28.Based on its power supplies of 5V, it solves the problem of power supply failure for a variety of applications.The input of this algorithm is characterized by STANDARD.There is a maximum value of 70°C for the operating temperature.
LTC1177CSW-5 Features
Embedded in the Bulk package 1 drivers
LTC1177CSW-5 Applications
There are a lot of Linear Technology/Analog Devices LTC1177CSW-5 gate drivers applications.