It belongs to package 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width). This system battery uses an analog integrated circuit (IC) called POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT. Channels available are 1. There is a Tube case packaging. There is a space in between this electrical part and Surface Mount. There is a possibility of delivering functions Power Management. To best deliver its performance, the electronic part should be operated at a temperature of 0°C~70°C TA. In this electrical part, the battery chemistry includes Nickel Cadmium. It is imperative to keep this transceiver ic set to 3.3V at all times. LTC1558 is the family underlying it. Upon reaching 3.465V, the maximum supply voltage (Vsup) can be applied. To operate a power supply, a voltage greater than 2.9V (Vsup) is needed.
LTC1558CS-3.3#PBF Features
Available in 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) Package Mounting Type: Surface Mount Battery Chemistry : Nickel Cadmium operate supply voltage at the range of 3.3V Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) : 3.465V
LTC1558CS-3.3#PBF Applications
There are a lot of Linear Technology/Analog Devices LTC1558CS-3.3#PBF Battery Management ICs applications.