The package that contains this software is called 16-TFSOP (0.118, 3.00mm Width). In order for the device to operate, a supply voltage of 5V volts needs to be provided. Part of the Other Converters family, this FPGA part is a programmable gate array. FPGA modules can be attached to development boards using a Surface Mount-connector. It is recommended that the operating temperature be kept within the range -40°C~125°C while the machine is operating. It is designed to maximiTape & Reel (TR)e space efficiency by containing the FPGA model in Tape & Reel (TR). In total, it has a total of 16 terminations. If you are looking for related parts, you can use the base part number LTC2637 as a starting point. In order for it to work, it requires a 5V power supply. A total of 16 pins are included in this device.