As part of the 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad package, it is included. The supply voltage is 5V volts. The Other Converters family of FPGAs includes this part. FPGA modules can be attached to development boards using a Surface Mount-connector. It is important to maintain the operating temperature within the range of -40°C~85°C when operating the machine. As a space-saving measure, this FPGA model is contained within Tube. The total number of terminations is 20. You can find related parts by using the part number LTC2656, which is its base part number. The device has 20 pins which are included in the design. It is possible for this FPGA to perform as per its specifications as long as it is mounted in Surface Mount direction. This is a battery operated device that operates on 3/5V. Featuring 20 pins in total, it is a versatile device. The maximum supply voltage it can take is 5.5V. The minimal supply voltage required for it is 2.7V.
LTC2656BIUFD-H16#PBF Features
20-WFQFN Exposed Pad package 20 pin count 20 pins
LTC2656BIUFD-H16#PBF Applications
There are a lot of Linear Technology/Analog Devices LTC2656BIUFD-H16#PBF Digital to Analog Converters (DAC)?applications.
Portable battery-powered instruments
Set Top Boxes
Low Power Systems
Portable Equipment
Low bandwidth data acquisition systems
Automatic Test Equipment
Automated Test Equipment
Digitally Controlled Attenuators and Power Supplies