LTC6652BHMS8-2.5#PBF Description
The LTC6652BHMS8-2.5#PBF precision, low drift, and low noise reference is fully specified over the temperature range of –40°C to 125°C. High order curvature compensation allows these references to achieve a low drift of less than 5ppm/°C with a predictable temperature characteristic and an output voltage accuracy of ±0.05%. The performance over temperature should appeal to automotive, high-performance industrial, and other high-temperature applications.
LTC6652BHMS8-2.5#PBF Features
Low Noise: 2.1ppmP-P (0.1Hz to 10Hz)
100% Tested at –40°C, 25°C and 125°C
Sinks and Sources Current: ±5mA
Low Power Shutdown: <2µA Maximum
Thermal Hysteresis (LS8): 45ppm (–40°C to 125°C)
Long-Term Drift (LS8): 20ppm/√kHr
Low Dropout: 300mV
Available Output Voltage Options: 1.25V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V, 4.096V, 5V
8-Lead MSOP and 5mm × 5mm Surface Mount Hermetic Packages
LTC6652BHMS8-2.5#PBF Applications
Automotive Control and Monitoring
High-Temperature Industrial
High-Resolution Data Acquisition Systems
Instrumentation and Process Control
Precision Regulators
Medical Equipment