The embedded microprocessor has been packed in TFBGA for convenient overseas shipping. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Overall, there are 356 terminations. The microprocessor should be turned on and run with a voltage supply of 1.55V volts. An example of a Graphics Processors microprocessor can be found here. Its external data bus width is 32. An environment with temperatures higher than 85°C should not be used for the CPU microprocessor. Micro processor body consists of 356 pins. There are many applications that use the CPU with Surface Mount mounted. CPU microprocessor clock frequency is 13MHz. normal operation of the microprocessor should not require the device to be powered by a voltage higher than 3.3V. A voltage of 1.8V is recommended for feeding the embedded microprocessor.
88AP270MA2-BGO2C624 Features
88AP270MA2-BGO2C624 Applications
There are a lot of Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88AP270MA2-BGO2C624 Microprocessor applications.