The embedded microprocessor ships overseas conveniently packed in BGA. There is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 456 terminations have been recorded. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 3.3V voltage supply. 456 pin functions are described in the datasheets. With a maximum supply current of 3.6V, it has a maximum power consumption. Data transfer has 32b bandwidths. Temperatures above 85°C should not allow the embedded microprocessor to operate. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 456 pins. In many applications, this CPU is mounted with a Surface Mount bus. Ideally, the CPU will operate at 624MHz MHz. Micro processors can be used from 3V. Don't forget the microprocessor's additional features like: IT ALSO OPERATES AT 1.8 V SUPPLY.
88AP320-C0-BGR2C624-TN21 Features
32b-Bit Data Bus Width
88AP320-C0-BGR2C624-TN21 Applications
There are a lot of Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88AP320-C0-BGR2C624-TN21 Microprocessor applications.