The product is packaged using Tube in order to maximize its cost-effectiveness. In applications requiring additional insulation, the 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package can be used instead. As a result of the supply voltage of 4.75V~5.25V, reliable performance is possible. This type of mounting is based on the Surface Mount technique. A temperature range of 0°C~70°C is available. A 1 tap/step configuration is provided. Many related parts with the same base part number DS1044 are universally preferred. A terminal is located at DUAL. In order to provide unique configurations, it is equipped with 14 terminations. When the device is operating, the supply voltage of 5V is provided. As its logic type, SILICON DELAY LINE is used. It is acceptable for it to operate at the maximum voltage 5.25V. In Surface Mount, it is mounted. This is one of the key active components of the CMOS/TTL family of compounds.
DS1044R-7 Features
Supply voltage at Tube volts operate supply current at 5V with SILICON DELAY LINE bits stay resistance at CMOS/TTL
DS1044R-7 Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated DS1044R-7 Delay Lines Timing ICs applications.