In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Non-Volatile. Tube-cases are available. The case is embedded in 34-PowerCap? Module. This chip has an 4Mb 512K x 8 size of memory on it, so a lot of data can be stored on it. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called NVSRAM-format memory. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. A voltage of 4.75V~5.25V is possible to be applied to the supply. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. On the chip, there are 34 terminations. There are 1 functions supported by this part as part of the comprehensive working process. Memory devices such as this one are designed to be powered by 5V and should be used as such. Similar parts are frequently selected using DS1250AB, the device's base part number. The ic memory chip comes in a package with 34 pins that allows it to be connected to a computer. A memory device with 34 pins means that it contains 34 memory locations, indicating that it has 34 pins. A voltage of 5V is noted as the operating supply voltage for this memory. Despite all the merits of this chip, it also has 10 YEAR DATA RETENTION to boost system performance. As for power supplies, this memory chip requires just 5V . In order for it to operate properly, memory ics requires a maximum supply current of 0.085mA . There is a common misconception that this component is a type of SRAMs. As a result of the frequency of this memory chip, data can be processed at a rate of 70GHz.
DS1250ABP-70IND+ Features
Package / Case: 34-PowerCap? Module 34 Pins Operating Supply Voltage:5V Additional Feature:10 YEAR DATA RETENTION Freguency at 70GHz 70GHz terminals
DS1250ABP-70IND+ Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated DS1250ABP-70IND+ Memory applications.